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Pareto Security is an app that helps you check your Mac’s security settings

Apple provides multiple security features to ensure that macOS users keep their Macs safe, but sometimes users have no idea how to check if all these security tools are enabled. With this in mind, software company Niteo has created “Pareto Security,” which is an app that checks your Mac’s security settings.


Pareto Security checks your Mac's settings for potential attack vectors

Keeping your Mac as safe as possible is something we should all be doing, but sometimes it's easy to miss a setting that leaves a machine open to attack. That's where Pareto Security comes in so handy — because it looks at all of the Mac's security settings and potential attack vectors and warns you if you've left one wide open.

Tech Radar

Pareto Security for Mac review

There's a lot that can go wrong on a personal computer. And, despite what you might have heard, even Macs are susceptible to security concerns. With this in mind, there's Pareto Security. Available for individual Mac users and teams, the app has been designed to constantly perform security checks in the background to help you avoid common mistakes.


This Mac security app manages your device's safety for you

For a while, there was a rumor that Macs were completely safe from viruses and other cybersecurity threats, but that’s never quite been true. You certainly still need to be mindful of your Mac’s security, and Pareto Security Personal: One-Time Lifetime License could help simplify that process.


Do you always forget to toggle your Mac's security settings? Pareto does it for you

Nowadays, getting total security on your devices is much more than setting unique, robust passwords. If your laptop or phone is ever stolen out from under your nose, hackers can easily get into your photos, files, work-related data, and much more.

Mobile Syrup

15 next level Mac utilities you should download

Pareto Security sits in your menubar and runs automatic checks on various security settings on your Mac. For example, suppose a security feature isn’t enabled, or a critical app is out of date. In that case, you will notice a little indicator in the menubar icon and receive a notification.


How to improve your Mac's security and privacy

Before you ramp up your Mac’s firewall with third-party apps, it’s well worth taking a trip down to System Preferences and checking if you have missed activating any of macOS’s built-in protections. To do this, you don’t have to go through each setting one by one either. Pareto Security will do it for you.


Mit Pareto Security die Sicherheitseinstellungen am Mac mit einem Blick prüfen

Hand hoch, wer alle Sicherheitseinstellungen an Mac kennt und weiß, wo er diese findet. Wer sich nicht gemeldet hat, der sollte einen Blick auf das kleine Tool Pareto Security werfen. Dieser kleine Helferlein will mit einem Blick eine Übersicht schaffen, ob die wichtigsten Sicherheitseinstellungen alle aktiv sind.

Iphone Soft

Pareto Security vérifie les paramètres de sécurité de votre Mac Lire la suite sur

Apple fournit un ensemble complet de fonctions de sécurité pour s'assurer que les utilisateurs de macOS gardent leurs Macs éloignés de tout danger, mais parfois les utilisateurs n'ont aucune idée de comment vérifier si tous ces outils sont activés. C'est dans cette optique que l'éditeur de logiciels Niteo (fondé en 2006) a créé "Pareto Security", une application qui vérifie les paramètres de sécurité de votre Mac, un par un.

Apple Novinky

Aplikace „Pareto Security“ vám pomůže zkontrolovat nastavení zabezpečení vašeho Macu

Apple poskytuje několik funkcí zabezpečení, které zajistí, že uživatelé macOS budou mít všechna data v bezpečí, ale někdy uživatelé nemají ponětí, jak zkontrolovat, zda jsou všechny tyto bezpečnostní nástroje povoleny.


Kolla säkerhetsinställningarna i din Mac med Pareto Security

Pareto Security är ett program för att gå igenom och kolla inställningarna i din Mac – med fokus på den vanlige användaren. Programmet går igenom drygt ett dussin olika inställningar i din Mac och sammanställer sedan en enkel, begriplig rapport där du kan se vad du kanske bör slå på förr att vässa säkerheten ytterligare.

Mac Life

Diese App macht deinen Mac noch sicherer

In macOS sind verschiedene Sicherheitsmechanismen integriert. Mit jedem größerem Update kommen neue hinzu. Um dir einen kompakten Überblick über alle wichtigen Features zu verschaffen, gibt es eine nützliche Mac-App.


Pareto Security checks your Mac’s security settings

Apple provides a comprehensive set of security features to ensure macOS users keep their Macs safe from harm, but sometimes users have no idea how to check if all of these tools are enabled. It is with this in mind that the software publisher Niteo (founded in 2006) created “Pareto Security”, an application that checks your Mac’s security settings, one by one.


Check de veiligheid van je Mac met Pareto Security, of doe het zelf

Wil je jouw Mac beslist zo veilig mogelijk houden en geen enkel risico nemen, dan is Pareto Security waarschijnlijk de app voor jou. Deze app checkt zo’n beetje alle instellingen die een probleem zouden kunnen geven voor de beveiliging van je Mac, maar vraagt daar ook een (erg) stevige prijs voor.


Pareto Security: novo app ajuda a identificar brechas no macOS

Usuários mais avançados (ou mais antigos) de Macs certamente conhecem as várias ferramentas de segurança presentes no macOS. No entanto, se você está chegando agora a esse universo, pode ser difícil ter certeza se tais proteções estão ou não ativadas.

Mac Sources

Pareto Security macOS App REVIEW The Perfect, #1 Add-on to Keep Your System Safe

Many years ago, I did computer repair primarily on Windows machines. Because of that, I was big on security since I saw all the damage malware and other hazards did to unsecured systems. When I made the switch to Apple computers, I was actually at a loss since there were far fewer exploits of Mac systems at that point in time. I found myself slipping up and enjoying the ease of everything Mac Operating Systems brought me.

Keep your business secure with Pareto Security. Start your free trial today.