Non-Invasive Device Monitoring for Your Small Business

Pareto Security is an alternative to corporate device management solutions for companies that care about security but know it doesn't have to be invasive for their team members.

Pareto Security Suite

Our clients include companies in automotive, banking, construction, entertainment, finance, IT services, law, medical, software, tech, and more

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Real-Time Monitoring, Instant Alerts, and Audit-Ready Compliance for All Your Devices

ParetoSecurity Overview
Continuous monitoring
of system configurations for compliance with security standards.
Instant alerts
for reporting misconfigurations or vulnerabilities.
Track compliance trends
over time with a clear historical view of device performance.
Minimal impact on system
resources, ensuring devices stay fast and responsive.
Non-invasive and non-intrusive by design,
respecting your team's privacy and trust.
Multi-Platform Support:
macOS, Linux, and Windows.

Keep your business secure with Pareto Security Non-Invasive Device Monitoring.

Cybersecurity Resources for Protecting Your Business

Download Apps
Download our native apps for macOS, Linux, and Windows. Free to download.
Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
Want to know how well you're prepared? Start a self-assessment. Coming soon.
Cybersecurity Guide
Comprehensive but easy to read guide to cybersecurity for small and medium businesses. Coming soon.
Cybersecurity Policies & Checklists
Templates for security policies and checklists to make it easier to manage your cybersecurity preparations. Coming soon.

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